A little help...
Frequently Asked Questions.
Where do I check in when I arrive in Tofino?
Check-in location: (Subject to change)
Tofino Resort + Marina Charter Office, 634 Campbell Street, Tofino; 1.800.665.8922
Where can I find fishing regulations and boundary maps?
Department of Fisheries regulations and boundary maps for our area (Maps 24 and 124) can be found here: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/tidal-maree/a-s24-eng.html.
How can I get my fish back to Vancouver if I am flying over?
Shipment options will be available. Contact us directly ahead of time for details or ask when you check in.
Is there anywhere in Tofino I can get my fish processed and vacuum packed?
The following companies will offer fish packing services to derby registrants:
Naas Foods, 630A Campbell Street, Tofino; 250.889.7450 (located by Tofino Resort & Marina)
West Pacific Seafoods, 701 Industrial Way, Tofino; 250.725.2244
How do I get to Tofino and where do I stay?
Travel directions and suggestions for accommodations, restaurants and activities can be found at Tourism Tofino: www.tourismtofino.com.
My family is traveling with me to Tofino but won't be participating in the derby. Are there other things for them to do?
There is so much to see and do in Tofino! Outdoor activities include beach combing, surfing, kayaking, hiking, whale watching, bear watching, birdwatching, and golfing. The town also has a vibrant culinary scene with many types of restaurants from casual to fine dining. A complete list of activities can be found at Tourism Tofino: www.tourismtofino.com.